medellin medical tourism

Medellín is well-known for the quality of its medical care, and this definitely extends to the world of cosmetic procedures. In fact, Medellín medical tourism is a booming industry; people come from all over the world to take advantage of the city’s low-cost, high-quality plastic surgeons. Some medical centers actually specialize in cosmetic procedures, which is no surprise considering the huge number of plastic surgeries that are successfully performed each year. 

Why Medellín medical tourism is so popular

The main reason for medical tourism to any country is the lower cost. Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars in the United States or Europe, someone could pay just a few thousand (or even a few hundred) dollars in another country. When it comes to Medellín, the reasoning is clear – even though the prices are low, the surgeons are highly trained. Medellín’s hospitals have received global recognition for their quality of care, so even though the procedures cost way less, patients don’t have to worry about compromising their health or safety to get the results they want.

Medellín’s surgeons are skilled at pretty much any cosmetic procedure you could think of, but there are several surgeries that are clear favorites among Colombians and visitors alike. If you’re curious to know what they are, just keep reading to learn about the most popular cosmetic procedures that are performed in Medellín.

Tummy tuck

Also known as an abdominoplasty, this procedure aims to make the stomach flatter and firmer. Unlike liposuction, which only removes excess fat in targeted areas, a tummy tuck also removes loose skin. It’s popular among women who want to tighten their abdomens after pregnancy, as well as those who have loose skin around their stomachs after rapid weight loss. For some tummy tuck patients, there are issues with separated abdominal muscles; these can also be repaired during the surgery. This procedure does leave a scar, but it’s easily hidden underneath the bikini line.

Butt lift

The name says it all: with this procedure, the buttocks are lifted or augmented for a fuller appearance. If a more dramatic result is the goal, the surgeon will probably recommend implants. If the patient just wants a subtler lift, it’s likely that fat injections will be the best route. Butt lifts are popular among Latino populations, as well as with people from the United States. However, they aren’t requested as often by Europeans.

Eyebrow lift

As people age, their foreheads may start to lose tightness; this can result in drooping brows or more pronounced forehead lines. In more drastic cases, a person could look constantly sad, tired, or bored simply because the position of their eyebrows has gradually changed. A forehead lift corrects this problem by raising the drooping skin, essentially restoring it to its previous level. This reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and makes the patient look more youthful and well-rested.

Buccal fat removal

For years, this surgery been popular among actors, influencers, and others who are frequently in the public eye. It removes a specific fat pad in the cheeks for a more slender, sculpted look; depending on the person’s bone structure, it can also help the cheekbones or jawline look more prominent. 

Breast lift

Whether it’s due to age, breastfeeding, or weight loss, it’s fairly common for breasts to have a deflated or lowered appearance. A breast lift removes excess skin and tissue to raise the position of the breasts. In some cases, this surgery is used to make both breasts the same size. Genetic factors or hormonal changes can result in one breast being significantly lower than the other, and this procedure can correct that for a more uniform look.

Abdominal etching

This is a type of liposuction, in which fat deposits on the abdominal muscles are strategically removed to simulate a more toned appearance. In other words, people travel for Medellín medical tourism to get a six-pack through cosmetic surgery. To be ready for this procedure, the recipient would already have to be fairly lean; for those at a higher body fat percentage, general liposuction might be a better option.

Breast augmentation

Where a breast lift raises the position of the breasts, an augmentation increases the volume. Sometimes these procedures are done in tandem with each other, especially if the breasts have a deflated appearance due to weight loss. In some cases, the patient simply wants a larger volume even if their breasts are a normal size; after all, this is what many cosmetic procedures are used for. The augmentation in size is a result of implants, which can be large, small, or anything in between, according to the results that the patient wants to see. However, if the recipient wants especially drastic results, they may have to start with smaller implants and work their way up to the desired size with a series of additional surgeries.


Also known as a “nose job”, this procedure reshapes the cartilage of the nose, usually to make it smaller or more even. There are many different characteristics that a rhinoplasty can alter. The nostrils can be made more uniform or small, the bridge and tip of the nose can be thinned, and the angle of the nose can be changed as well. 


This fat-removal procedure usually targets areas that are known for storing excess fat, such as the hips, arms, legs, neck, back, and abdomen. It may sound like a miracle weight-loss solution, but it’s actually supposed to be used to refine and tone specific areas that can’t be altered any further by diet or exercise. Those who are visiting for Medellín medical tourism to get liposuction are usually already near their ideal body fat percentage, but they just have a few extra pounds to shed that they can’t target through other methods. 

It’s easy to see why Medellín medical tourism is thriving

Most visitors come for more entertaining Medellin tours, but some of them have their own aesthetic goals in mind. Given how cost-effective and safe it is to get plastic surgery in Medellín, it’s no wonder that so many people choose this option for their cosmetic enhancements.