dental office in Medellin

Medellin is known for many things, such as its eternally sunny weather and Paisa culture. Over half a million tourists visit the city per year, but not all of them are there to go on Medellin tours and enjoy the local cuisine. Actually, between 20,000 and 30,000 people come for medical tourism reasons, with many of them coming to Medellin specifically for dental tourism.

Why choose Medellin for dental tourism?

There are several reasons why so many people go to Medellin to have dental work done. The main reason is usually because dental services are so much cheaper there compared to the US or Canada, but there are other benefits as well.

Cost savings

On average, people from North America can save up to 70% if they travel to Medellin for dental work. Even when they add in the price of the plane tickets, hotel, and other incidental costs, they’re still saving a fair amount of money. Of course, this assumes that the dental work they’re having done would cost several thousands of dollars in their home countries, which isn’t unusual for certain procedures. Most dental tourism in Medellin isn’t for smaller procedures, like having a single tooth taken out; it’s for more complex and expensive procedures, like veneers or dental implants. That being said, some people decide to get multiple procedures in the same visit, such as veneers plus teeth whitening.

High standards

If the lower prices were the only reason why people came to Medellin for dental tourism, the city would be on par with Turkey or Mexico (two countries that are known for having cheap surgical procedures). However, unlike these countries, Medellin is famous for the quality of its medical care. It has universities with top-notch medical programs, hospitals that have gotten international recognition, and a general drive for excellence among the healthcare industry. When you combine this with the comparatively low prices, it’s easy to see why Medellin is a popular choice for affordable dental procedures.

English-speaking dentists

One potential barrier to having dental work done in Medellin is the fact that Spanish is the main language spoken there. Since most medical tourists speak English as either a first or a second language, and don’t typically speak Spanish, this can seem like a problem. However, quite a few of Medellin’s dentists (and their teams) speak English to better serve international patients. There are also dental teams that can accommodate patients who don’t speak either Spanish or English, which lets people from all over the world experience Medellin’s quality dental care.

A beautiful setting

This isn’t necessarily relevant to getting dental work done, but it’s still a consideration for many people who are thinking about booking a dental appointment in Medellin. Even for procedures that require a recovery period, there will still be an opportunity to explore the city. After all, it only makes sense to take advantage of all the planning and expenses that are involved in an international trip. Medellin and the surrounding areas have a lot to offer, whether the visit lasts for days or for weeks. And if the first half of the visit happens to be spent recovering from a dental procedure, this won’t make the second half any less enjoyable.

Comparing the cost of dental procedures in the US vs. Medellin

Just like most things in Colombia, dental care is cheaper in Medellin compared to the US. The question is, how much cheaper? Here are some side-by-side comparisons.

  • Porcelain veneers

The average cost in the US is $2,500 per tooth; in Medellin it’s around $500 per tooth.

  • Titanium implants

The average cost in the US is $5,000 each; in Medellin it’s around $800 each.

  • All-on-4 implants

The average cost in the US is $24,000 per arch; in Medellin it’s around $7,900 per arch.

Most popular procedures for dental tourism in Medellin

Top Medellin dentists typically use state-of-the-art equipment, and are trained to carry out almost any procedure. However, there are definitely some procedures that are most frequently requested by international patients.

  • Veneers

Veneers are custom-made overlays of porcelain or ceramic, which are glued onto individual teeth to create a more even appearance. Some people get veneers to cover every visible tooth, while others only get one or two. Although veneers aren’t permanent, they do last up to 15 years with the proper care. Most people will qualify for veneers, unless they have very crooked teeth or suffer from bruxism.

  • Dental implants

Implants can be made either for individual teeth, or for all-on-4 or all-on-6 dental implants. For an individual tooth, a titanium screw is placed where the root of the original tooth used to be. Once the bone is sufficiently healed from implanting the screw, the replacement tooth is installed. The entire process can involve multiple surgeries, and recovery takes between 3 and 5 months.

All-on-4 and all-on-6 implants are used to anchor permanent dentures; the first option is generally used for partial dentures, and the second for a full set of dentures. The implantation of multiple titanium screws ensure that the dentures won’t accidentally slip out of place. Just like with individual implants, the process involves several surgeries and a fairly long recovery period.

  • Bridges

As the name suggests, this dental procedure “bridges the gap” created by missing teeth. The teeth on either side of the gap are usually shaved down, and fitted with crowns that will act as anchors for the artificial teeth. Getting bridges can be done with local anesthesia, and recovery usually takes from one to two weeks.

  • Teeth whitening

Even though most people wouldn’t travel to Medellin only to get their teeth whitened, they may decide to get it done in addition to another procedure – or just to treat themselves on their Colombian vacation! Laser teeth whitening can cost around $50 per session, and doesn’t require any anesthesia or recovery time. 

Whatever your dental needs are, Medellin can take care of them

From life-changing dental surgeries to pampering teeth whitening sessions, the top dentists in Medellin are more than qualified to give you your dream smile – all for a much lower price than you’d expect!