tour van at Guatape's El Penol

Vehicle size might not seem like much of a big deal when going on a private tour of your favorite attraction in Medellin, but when going as part of a group, this simple oversight can quickly become a problem. For trips like this, the size of the vehicle can affect everything from the convenience of the group to the overall experience of the tour, so getting it right is an absolute must. In this article, we will provide a guide for choosing the perfect vehicle size; one that maximizes the group’s comfort without breaking the bank. 

Our Philosophy

At Medellin Tours, we are well aware that bigger is not always better. As such, our philosophy for the perfect size of vehicle doesn’t always entail more space. Instead, our focus is always on safety, convenience, and efficiency. Our idea of the perfect vehicle size is a size that provides the optimum blend of safety, convenience, and transport efficiency to the group. 

To determine which vehicle best achieves this, we consider the following:

  1. Sitting Capacity – How many people can the vehicle seat conveniently?
  2. Luggage Capacity – How much luggage was the vehicle designed to carry?
  3. Room – How much “extra space” does the vehicle give its occupants. 

Here’s how we use this to decide the perfect size of van for group tours or transportation.

Our 3-Step Process 

Discover the Group Size

First, we find out how many people the group contains. This gives us an idea of the ideal sitting capacity. 

Figure Out the Expected Luggage

Next, we find out how much luggage you estimate would be coming along with the group on the trip. This helps us determine whether we’d need a vehicle with extra luggage capacity or not.

Consider the Length of the Trip

This may not seem to have any bearing on the size of the vehicle, but from experience, we’ve come to find that longer trips require more room to keep passengers comfortable. For shorter trips, having little room to move and stretch might not be of much consequence, but the longer the trip gets, the quicker such restrictions get uncomfortable.

Other Key Considerations We Make

While our 3-step process often tells us all we need to know about the ideal size of vehicle for a group, some peculiar cases require additional consideration.

Special Needs 

If members of the group have special needs e.g. babies or members with disabilities, these individuals may require specialized transportation for wheelchairs or other equipment that might need extra space in the vehicle. This too must be taken into account. 

Plus-Size Individuals 

Numbers don’t always tell us everything. When plus-sized individuals are involved, we always go with vehicles with more room for the convenience of everyone involved.

Special Luggage 

Sometimes you may be carrying delicate luggage or something extra special with you. Lumping stuff like that in with the rest of the luggage might not be the best idea. In cases like this, going with a vehicle with larger luggage capacity may just as well be the best bet.


As you can see, there is a lot more to consider when choosing the right vehicle for a group trip than just the number of the group. And like earlier stated, bigger is not always better; sometimes you’re better off with a private car and driver (up to 4 passengers) with a little more room and extra luggage capacity, than a larger vehicle with more, equally uncomfortable seats. 

Following our three-step process and keeping an eye out for the extra considerations we make can help you better determine the perfect size of vehicle for your group trip to Medellin. Need professional help finding the right vehicle for you? Text us!